Our second meeting was on the 12 of September, only two days after the Tappara Game π This time we met at Danis and had a fun talking and game evening, I even brought selbaked carrot cake as this is a typical fall and spring cake in Germany.
We mostly talked about our experience at TAMK after the first few weeks and compared it to our home universities. The most bespoke topics were the differences in the systemm, costs and govermental influence on the school system.
In Germany for example you rarly get any money from the goverment to help you to sustain your studies. There finds things like BaFΓΆG, but it is very difficult to get due to the complicated and longwearing application process. But on a positive note the semesterly fee can be as low as 80-200β¬.
In the Netherlands on the other hand it is pretty easy to get a loan from the government but instead the semesterly fees can be as high as 2500β¬ or more. The on top also get “free-money” (in terms of no need to pay back money) per month.
It is very interesting to see how two countries that are so close to each other in geographical terms can handle so vital things like the education system so differently. Danis has by far the nicest place out of all of us and he is the only one with a couch to host guest unfortunately π