Third meeting in TAMK

The third meeting took place in a canteen of the University of TAMK, while the four of us were having lunch.

Third meeting (01.11)

The third meeting took place in a canteen at the University of TAMK,  where the four of us had lunch together. It was an informal and quite fluid conversation, and it is noticeable that there is more closeness between us and that we are more comfortable with each other. 

First of all it came up in the conversation: what are the ideal things to do in Tampere when family or friends come to visit you, as all four of us are foreign students and not Finns. We started talking about restaurants for lunch or dinner (Pizzeria Napoli, Pizzeria Luca, Burgers and friends, Poke Bowl…), cafés for drinks (Kaffila, Bakery Café Puusti…)…  And what surprised us the most is that in the same place, in this case Pizzeria Napoli, we had different experiences. For example, we all think it is a very nice place, but some of us would not repeat, while others would recommend it. Very different opinions and all of them to be respected. Leaving this aside, we talked about many more interesting things. We talked about whether it was worth going to see the light show by the river, the hockey games, the observation tower, or going for a walk near the lake ….. As at every meeting, I learned new German vocabulary: geschwister (sibling), einzelkind (only child), weihnachten (christmas), straße (street), spaziergang (a walk), see (lake), kalt-warm (cold-warm), schnee (snow), weiß (white), winterschuhe/ winterstiefel (boots), socken (calcetines), winterjacke/ wintermantel (winter coat)… In summary, we shared our experiences and interests about the city.

In conclusion, I am very pleased to be able to share with them my experience in Tampere and that they can always teach me new things I didn’t know.




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