Erasmus life in Lisbon

Golf range in Golfe Paço do Lumiar

Bom diaa!

One of my hobbies is playing Golf. The golf season has started already in Finland and I was jealous for my friends for being able to start playing. That’s why I decided to go practice my golf swing in the range area. It was my first time for hitting some balls in abroad. The last time I played golf was last August so It has been for a while. It definitely showed to my swing. Overall it was good experience because I was able to shoot in the water! It was my first time ever for shooting to water on purpose.

I would like to go play 18 holes, but the Erasmus+ scholarship its not that big to go play 65€ rounds for a bad performance. That’s why I decided to wait until I am back to Finland. Meanwhile I will go to range approximately once in a week.


Unfortunately my life in here is not only playing golf. I am busy with my internship, but overall it don’t bothers me. I like to have my first touch to own study field workplaces. I am working in Process manager assistant in Placement in Portugal. I have been super glad to be here, because my colleagues are also interns and I don’t get only Portuguese work culture. I am able to see how Germans, French Croatians etc. are working.  Biggest different to Finnish work culture that I have used to it, is flexible starting hours. I know its also common in Finland, but for me it is a new thing. Another thing I want to mention is how fast Portuguese communicate. The way they speak is loud and fast. In the beginning it was sometime hard to understand the accent in the fast tempo but people are made to adapt. I can say now everything is better here. I can’t wait what i am able to experience in the rest erasmus period.

I hope you like my blog post.

Best regards



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