Greetings from Seoul, South Korea


Spring semester in Seoul



Greetings from South Korea! My exchange in Seoul is already more than halfway through, and it’s crazy how quickly the time has gone by. I study at one of the most popular universities in Korea, Sungkyunkwan University. I am taking 4 courses here, each are worth 5 ECTS. I am studying business administration in TAMK, but here my courses are mostly about Asian culture.

I think the courses here require around as much work as the courses in TAMK. The difference is mainly that the studies here require a lot of presence at the classes and memorization of the course topics. The course assignments are the same as in Finland, for example reports, group works and exams.

The student life in Korea is different from Finland. Here, students often join hobby clubs that are really goal-oriented, and I feel that as an exchange student it was quite difficult to get involved, since the clubs were mostly organized in Korean. One of the most special events of the semester is the school’s spring festival, where several K-pop artists performed.

As a city Seoul is definitely full of things to do, and I’m so happy that I decided

Hanbokto apply here! I can highly recommend it to anyone who is interested in experiencing to live in a megapolis! 🙂



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