As already mentioned, Finns are usually known as shy people, who typically appreciate own personal space and silence. Has it always been like that? If so, where is it coming from? Let’s see some facts which speak for themselves.
You must heard a saying “Family is the worst”. You, as a reader, can make a decision about that, but let me tell you some facts. In Finland, young ones move out from home usually in age 19-20. Otherwise, in other countries of Europe, age is usually near 30 when leaving childhood home. As a result of this, we’re used to become independent early. Family relationships are shown also in health care field; patients don’t usually feel comfortable to share hospital room with each other and we aim to stay at home as long as possible when death is near.
It’s also possible to approach this topic from geographical view. In Finland live about 5.5 million people. Population density here is remarkably low compared to other Nordic countries. This might be one reason why we’re used to have little distance with neighborhood.
Despite of these facts, being Finn and typical Finnishness qualities is strong part our genetic inheritance. It’s something that might at the times feel hard while travelling and socialising with others. But it’s also something to be truly proud of; cultural heritage twisted with persistent and strong will to progress.