Simply people: My Experiences of Finnishness

Finns value their personal space and love spending time in nature, often retreating to quiet lakeside cottages for activities like fishing. They prefer simplicity in life and food, embracing natural ingredients and a peaceful lifestyle. This connection to nature and simplicity contributes to Finland's reputation as the happiest country in the world.

Finnish people enjoy their own space. Many Finnish people have their own cottages where they can rest and relax. Finland is the “Land of a thousand lakes” and the cottages are often nearby water which allows hobbies like fishing and in wintertime ice fishing. Finns don´t like noises so they will need quiet places to fully rest. That’s why fishing is most liked cottage activities, you can just be quiet and empty your head. When interacting with Finns, you might notice they are often quiet and reserved, as they typically dislike small talk and can find meeting new people overwhelming.


Finns have a deep connection with nature, and the breathtaking landscapes of Lapland are considered some of the most beautiful parts of the country. It’s no surprise that many Finns choose to vacation there. In Lapland, they can hike during the summer and ski in the winter. Visitors in Lapland can also experience unique attractions like meeting Santa Claus in Rovaniemi or the Northern Lights.


Finns don’t know how to appreciate their own food culture. It’s common to hear that Finnish food is nothing special, but this is far from the truth. For example, where else in the world would you find pastries made with porridge? We don’t use special spices or make spicy food at all, but we love to make simply food and use clean ingredients from the Finnish nature.


Simpleness describes also Finnish people, because they don´t need luxury vacations to relax, they only need a small cottage or just a sauna. Maybe that’s the reason why Finns are the happiest people in the World.


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