What Finnishness means to me

To me, Finnishness is all about seasons, kindness, individualism (Not knowing your neighbors or sitting next to someone on the bus:D), going to the sauna, equality, and having a strong mind. Finns are very modest and quiet people.


We have all four seasons and one thing I have noticed and something that I find interesting in our culture is that as the seasons change so does people’s state of mind. For example, when autumn comes around people know it’s time to calm down and cozy up at home. When summer comes you see more people out and people are generally happier.


There are different things you can do during the different seasons. My favorites are going to the summer cottage, attending the first of May festivities, sauna and ice swimming, and ice fishing. I also believe that doing different activities depending on the season can help combat seasonal depression which is fairly common here.


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