Our group decided to do something different this time – hiking!
Well it was more a walk than an actual hike but there it goes.
We started at TAMK and went direction KAUPPI Sports Center and from there through the forest to the Kaupinojan Sauna. Luckily, we already knew the way from our Sauna-Meeting and did not get lost. We ended up doing a round trip and came back to TAMK.
Unluckily, the weather was not that good – cold and a little bit rain. However, we walked the most part in the forest and had good clothes on. The good company and the words we learnt during the meeting kept the morale up.
laufen = walking = correr
wandern = hiking = caminata
Wald = forest = bosque
See = lake = lago
Regen = rain =Iluvia
Es ist am regnen = It is raining = Ilueve
Jacke = jacket = chaqueta
kalt = cold = frio
Fussballfeld = football pitch = campo de futbol