When I came here in August I was really excited and nervous at the same time. The first few weeks we didn’t have any school so it was nice to explore the city (bars) and I got to know some other students as well.

At spare time there was lot to see and lot to do, before the daily rainstorms what we had for the past 2 months. The train network is really good in the Netherlands so it was easy to visit other cities in here. We explored the Hague as well and my favorite part about the city is the beach which is just 15 minute tram-ride away.
Studying here is quite similar as studying in Finland. We had more group work and there wasn’t that much teaching it was more like mentoring and guiding us to right way. Group work was little frustrating time to time because as a Finnish person I like to be on time and some southern-Europeans (not saying who) aren’t that punctual.