Postcard from Malta!

What is like to study and have clinical training in Malta.

I have been in Malta for almost two months now. It has been one of the best experiences in my life. Getting to explore other culture other than my own is really interesting and fun.

My lectures started in February before that I only had clinical training in Mater dei hospital. The lectures have been nice and also interesting. I have been studying Maltese here in Malta because it’s the official language beside English here. Many of the locals speak Maltese to each other but people switch to English pretty fast when they realize you don’t speak Maltese.

I have also been in clinical training for seven weeks. I have been in MRI, CT, PET-CT, nuclear medicine and radiotherapy. I have learnt a lot from all of the different modalities and also how medical imaging is done here in Malta.

Biggest differences I have noticed have been how the imaging is done. CT is more used here than in Finland and many children also are scanned in CT when in Finland usually we don’t take CT scans from children. There is also a lot of patients waiting in line because there is only one hospital in the island.

I have been exploring Malta on my free time and I have seen many beautiful scenery and experienced many amazing things. I have also met so many interesting and fun people here. I hope rest of my exchange will be as fun as it has been so far


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