Tag: peace

Some thoughts about Finnishness

I step out of the sauna. I take my towel and a bottle of beer. Walking down the stairs, I feel how the soft wind sweeps my face. I look at the darkening sky and hear some lonely blackbird whispering. Time stands still and I know I’m safe here. For me, finnishness is somehow a mix of a nature, peace and presence.

Calm nature of the Finnish way of life

I truly don't believe that there is a clear indication of Finnishness in any particular lifestyle, as it can differ from person to person. I think anyone can define their own Finnishness themselves. There are some values though, that can probably be associated closely with Finns.

Finnishness for me

For me Finnishness and Finland is all about peace. The peaceful nature and safe society have created an excellent environment for me to grow as a person and explore my purposes in life.

How Finland inspires me?

The kindness and purity felt all around Finland inspires your inner peace to grow and your well-being to thrive!