My Finnishness

When I think about Finland, the first things to come to my mind are the beautiful nature and the sullen but also tenacious people of it. I am very proud to call myself a Finn and to be part of the Finnish culture.

I have always loved nature and I think Finland is one of the most beautiful places in the world. I love the fact that we have four seasons so we can see our country in many different ways and the nature can give us its best every day of the year. Surely it can be tough when it’s dark all the time in winter and you haven’t seen the sun in ages, or it has been raining for days in the autumn bit I believe that is also something that gives us character. We do not give up easily and we can push through despite the weather. 


Summer in Finland is the time when everything and everyone comes alive. People might often jokingly say that “the Finnish summer is short but little-snowy” for summer here in the north is not very long and pretty cold compared to countries more south from here. But still summer is the time for spending time together, relaxing and enjoying life. Of course, the nature is also giving its best with the beautiful flowers and the amazing sunsets. 


The Finnish people might seem quite introverted and quiet for anyone outside Finland and that might be the case. We tend to appreciate our privacy and mind our own business. Finnish people are often portrayed as serious and glum but when you get to know us, we are very loving and loyal. The saying “don’t judge the book from its cover” goes very well for us. 


Finnishness can mean so many different things for different people. That only makes sense since Finland is a very diverse country. But if I could say one thing that is common for everyone is the patriotism and proudness of our home country. 


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