Beer culture

On our third meeting, we have met in a cozy bar in the city center and discussed a very significant theme of the German culture: beer. We have exchanged different vocabulary on the Finnish and the German drinking culture, talked about the process of brewery and about popular beer brands. We also talked about the so called “Reinheitsgebot” in Germany, which allows breweries to use only three ingredients when brewing beer, in order to brew a pure beer.
Some words I have learned that day were:
ohut = the beer
juoda = to drink
lassi = the glass
pöyta = the table
maku = the taste
kallis = expensive
Although there were not many beer fans among us, it was a very interesting and long talk. We also exchanged our thoughts on the different prizes of alcohol in Germany and Finland. My biggest learning of that meeting was, that different cultures are often more connected than we think.


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