Our fourth meeting (poems & tongue twisters)

On our fourth meeting, we shared Finnish and German poems (Sommer by Goethe and the Finnish national anthem, Maamme).

We tried to translate the poems word by word, but somehow this was a difficult task for all of us, as the vocabulary being used in most poems is very antique and not used in everyday life. After realizing that, we started to talk about the meanings and the use of language in the poems. It was very nice to see, that the Finnish poem referred a lot to nature, which was very similar to the German poem.

However, useful words we learned through the poems, were:

pohjoinen = northern
kukkulaa = hill
ruha = poem
lavla = to sing
laula = song
vesiputous = waterfall

We then shared some common tongue twisters in our native language, which was very funny, but difficult to repeat for the others. It was also interesting to learn a Hungarian tongue twister, from our Hungarian German-learner. I have learned a very funny Finnish tongue twister and hope, I got the spelling right: Kokoo koko kokko kokoon, kuka kokkoko? Koko kokka”, which means “to gather together the whole bonfire. The whole bonfire? The whole bonfire.”


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