Blog 2: Dialogue and friendship!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This evening went to explaining aspects of the Dialogue and the structures and frameworks that we are implying at school. My Vietnamese vocabulary grew this evening as I asked Myko to explain the 6 rules of dialogue and then to translate the key vocabulary to me in Vietnamese. I learned the words suspension, assumption, listening, observing, polarization and thoughts in Vietnamese. These words helped us both to solidify our learning in both our mother tongues. Learning Vietnamse also gives me a new perspective on sounds and how difficult pronounciation is when you dont use all parts of your mouth from early childhood. There were some sounds that I just couldn't make and the we laughed alot. This class has helped us to break the cultural norms and explore vulnerability and our inspiration for learning new things. It has not been easy to start a new education with international students from all over the world because of the different approaches to learning however with Myko we have been able to find the common thread of the joy of learning and it has strengthened our ability to trust and explore more the framworks in which we study.


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