Life in Tenerife

Un saludo de Tenerife!

I have been doing an Erasmus exchange in Tenerife since January and have one week left before going back to Finland. I am here with another Finnish physiotherapy student and we have been doing 10 weeks of practice in the hospitals. 

So as I mentioned we had 10 weeks of practice. We were put in different hospitals from the start and changed hospitals at the beginning of the 7th practice week. The experience has been amazing and I have seen and learned a lot! For the first 2,5 weeks, I spent in the hospital gym treating trauma patients and after that, I was for a week in pelvic floor and mandibular physiotherapy. After that, I spent 2 weeks at the gym treating other trauma patients. In the second hospital, I was in “cardiaca” – cardiac physiotherapy for 2 weeks and then in the neurology ward. If you are interested to read more about the practice you can read our blog where I have written 4 posts about the practice and some things about physiotherapy! I’ll leave the link below. (The texts are in Finnish.)

In my free time, I have been trying to travel as much as possible and have seen at least Bajamar, La Orotava, Punta del Hidalgo, Playa de Las Americas, and other beaches and places in the south. And of course El Teide! Time here goes so fast. In the restaurants, I have been enjoying Canarian things and less Canarian things. I highly recommend Guachinche El Ramal to anyone visiting or coming to do an exchange here! 

The work-life here in some places is much different than in Finland. My last place of practice, the Neurologia ward, was relaxed but sometimes hard work, long coffees and breakfasts (here lunch is called Desayuno = breakfast), and moments outside with coworkers while eating for a good 45 minutes. I have written so much more about work-life and my experiences in our blog so I recommend you to read it. Ps. The working clothes here are awfully white. Weird for me who has been using my own clothes or for example beautiful blue ones for the practice. 

It has been a long but fast three months here but I am happy to go to Finland to back to my “normal” life and get some ruisleipä, kermajuusto, Oivariini, and tap water. Get back to my routines, head back to my lovely apartment, go back to working and studying at Proakatemia, and hopefully, soon the weather is getting in Finland, and Summer comes fast as I will be probably freezing after spending three months in a climate with about 18-22 degrees. 


There you go, the link to our exchange blog!


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