Usual day in Fuengirola

Here is a blog post of my usual day in Fuengirola, Spain.

My day as a trainee at my training place usually started at 9 am. In the morning, we choose the day ahead, what the students have coming up that day, perhaps exams or revision for exams, etc. The students arrive at 10 a.m. and their day lasts 4 hours. Our day passes by teaching and helping students, talking with them about interesting topics. After the meal, we often go for a walk with the students near the school, we often ask the students for their opinion on what they would like to do during the break after eating. To our dismay, we try to involve young people in the planning of the activities. When it is time for students to go home, we stay to discuss how everyone’s day has gone and whether all the students are on their schedules.


Here are some pictures from my training place.

After training, free time is spent enjoying the good weather, exploring the surrounding areas, eating, and drinking outside almost every day. We go around to different restaurants, attractions, and of course sometimes we must do tasks related to training. In the beginning, training was stressful because everything didn’t go exactly as it should, so the free time was also spent just resting. I do a lot of these things with my to roommates/friends.


Some photos from our free time,


And my friends.

My internship is a Finnish private school, so the operating methods are really similar to those in a Finnish school. The difference is, among other things, that in my internship the students work independently, and ask for help when they need it.


Greetings from Fuge


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