Tag: Culture

Getting to know Finn-land

Finnish culture is often described through its simplicity, resilience, and deep connection with nature. When I came to experience it myself 3 years ago, I created my own understanding of what it means to be Finnish, with sauna, silence, and the Finnish concept of sisu on the forefront.

Finland Swedish Finnishness

My name is Miranda and I’m a Finland-Swede. Fennoswede, is another word for it, and it simply means the people in Finland who speak Swedish. And I am one of them. In this blogpost I will dive in deeper into what being a Finland Swede means to me.

The Some Elements of Finnishness

Finnishness is a multifaceted experience, quality and frankly way of life that every person has their own opinion about. These are some elements of Finnishness that I've come across as a Finn who has lived her whole life in Finland... Surprising right?


Finland, just like any other country, has a culture of it's own. Many Finnish people tend to be proud of being a Finn. In this blog post I will write about my own experiences of Finnishness and what it means to me.

Finnishness from a Dutch perspective

I hail from the small, but colourful country of the Netherlands, maybe you've heard of it. I have lived in Finland for over 5 years, half a year of it in 2017 and 4.5 years now since 2019. As such, I think I can contribute my two cents about Finnishness, but from a more Dutch perspective.

What small talk culture?

In Finland, silence is not necessarily uncomfortable; it can be a sign of comfort and respect toward others' time. Finnish small talk is a doorway to the genuine and authentic people.

Me, myself and my Finnishness

I have travelled quite a bit and lived and worked abroad before. I can make myself home anywhere, but I still strongly identify as a Finn. Finnish nature, culture, food and language are important to me.

We Finns - Mikko Louhimaa

In this blog post I ponder Finnishness from the perspective of its social dynamics and the contrast between its modesty and appeal. I address the question of why Finns keep coming back to Finland from travelling or living abroad.


Summertime vigor and beautiful nature