Tag: Culture


Finland, just like any other country, has a culture of it's own. Many Finnish people tend to be proud of being a Finn. In this blog post I will write about my own experiences of Finnishness and what it means to me.

Finnishness from a Dutch perspective

I hail from the small, but colourful country of the Netherlands, maybe you've heard of it. I have lived in Finland for over 5 years, half a year of it in 2017 and 4.5 years now since 2019. As such, I think I can contribute my two cents about Finnishness, but from a more Dutch perspective.

What small talk culture?

In Finland, silence is not necessarily uncomfortable; it can be a sign of comfort and respect toward others' time. Finnish small talk is a doorway to the genuine and authentic people.

Me, myself and my Finnishness

I have travelled quite a bit and lived and worked abroad before. I can make myself home anywhere, but I still strongly identify as a Finn. Finnish nature, culture, food and language are important to me.

We Finns - Mikko Louhimaa

In this blog post I ponder Finnishness from the perspective of its social dynamics and the contrast between its modesty and appeal. I address the question of why Finns keep coming back to Finland from travelling or living abroad.


Summertime vigor and beautiful nature