Tag: spanish

Meeting 10 - Videocall

Our last meeting took place on 6 December 2023, but this time online. We talked about various things about our current and future life. At the same time, we also said our last goodbyes.

Meeting 9 - Quizzes!

The ninth meeting was held at Laura's house on November 30, 2023. We had a good time answering some Quizzes that we had prepared.

Meeting 7 - Having a pleasant walk

This was our seventh meeting, which took place in Hervanta. We were walking together and talking about several (and random) topics.

Meeting 6 - Spanish Dinner!

This meeting took place on 13.11.2023 in Carla's flat, which is located in Yrtikattu, near Hervanta. I was looking forward to this meeting, because it was time for the "Spanish dinner".

Meeting 5 - Sauna together

In this interesting and entertaining meeting on 11.11.2023, we went to Rauhaniemi sauna to live the Finnish sauna experience together, and afterwards to cook and eat some sausages on the barbecue.