Five years ago I started my career in Tampere University in the Tekes project called Pop Up. There, we designed and researched new ways of doing knowledge work. My Brainwolk walking meeting concept was among the project’s outcomes. Now, in this situation of remote work done in an every day basis, the learnings from that project have become very relevant and concrete with constant self-management, partly changed sources of wellbeing and the freedom to choose your own remote workspace. I have found my workspace and wellness space in the forest. Here, I describe what are the things that I do there, among others.
Recently, I sketched and recorded my virtual conference presentation for Persuasive Technology 2020 conference concerning our article Learning and Teaching Experiences with a Persuasive Social Robot in Primary School. As soon as the conference organizers were mentioning that this time we could prepare a bit different presentation, I took the challenge and started to ideate what kind of presentation I could make. The initial ideation took place when conducting own Brainwolks in the forest, and the more systematic preparing happened again in the forest by sitting on the meadow with my notebook and pen. Next day, I just recorded it with my mobile phone, concentrating on the idea and story, not taking care so much about the technological setting as such. Here, you can see the presentation outcome.
As already said, I also make a lot of Brainwolk walking meetings, almost in everyday basis. I do them both alone for planning and reflecting on my work tasks, organizing my thoughts etc. For example, I have planned modifications for the next round of Psychology in Human-Technology course – how I will integrate digital storytelling task as part of the learning diary there; I have also planned the User Experience in Robotics course project topics for the next autumn. When it comes to Brainwolk, I also make them by phone with others, to discuss for example articles in progress, ideas, project work, wellness stuff…
I have also done some wellness podcasts for my friends and colleagues, just as kind of personal greetings from nature, for example this one. It is about gratefulness. I have shared some of these on the unit’s internal communication channel.
Working in the forest may sound weird, but for me it is inspirational, energetic, empowering, relaxational – all at the same time. It makes my thoughts running free, creatively and kind of clearly, and gives me chance to escape ordinary things. It also heals my backpain and my mind, which is now going here and there. So thank you Forest, CU soon! <3
Written by Aino Ahtinen
Ps. If you go to the forest, enter and behave like a guest. Respect all the things there. Don’t ruin anything, don’t tear. Walk silently, rest a bit. Watch, listen, smell, feel.. be sensitive and ready for the experience being offered for You. Enjoy your being and the moment.