Free workshop 27.5.2021: Rust in AI & HW oriented optimization

Rust meetup

AI Hub and Rust Finland volunteers teamed up to bring you a free online workshop "Rust in AI & HW oriented optimization".

Rust Finland has been organizing meetups in Helsinki since 2017 ( The community has grown from 10 people to 50 participants. The next meet-up was to be arranged in Tampere March 2020 but unfortunately the global pandemic put the meet-ups on hold. Now the Rust meet-ups are back with the theme Rust in Embedded AI and HW oriented optimisation as a free online workshop organised by AI Hub Tampere and Rust Finland. The workshop will take place 27.5.2021 15-17. The event will be hosted over Zoom. Register in Eventbrite.

The designated speakers and topics in the meet-up:

  • “CPU Caches: Trust but Verify” by  Tommi Jalkanen
  • “Rust for AI: inside and outside the kernel” by Henri Lunnikivi
  • “Introduction to RustDDS” by Juhana Helovuo
  • “Rust Actors: Cloud AI-distributed system message passing” by Paul Houghton
  • “A brief introduction to portable SIMD” by Henri Sivonen