Introducing Project INTEMO

Project INTEMO logo

This summer we are looking for motivation not just by relaxing by the lake, but by mining software repositories. With funding from Ulla Tuominen foundation we have launched project INTEMO - Intelligent Methods for Motivated Software Development.

Project INTEMO was sparked some years ago with a concern on rising burnout and exhaustion, and diminishing well-being at work, particularly among expert fields and in the ICT sector. People feel overburdened with tasks they don’t have enough time to do, tasks that may be too challenging considering their skills, or not challenging enough to be motivating in the long run. A combination of overloaded employees with a low motivational level will lead to poor well-being as well as poor productivity.

Project INTEMO focuses on finding what kind of indicators of motivation can be found from sofware repositories. In this initial stage we are mining data from open source sofware repositories, applying smart algorithms / forms of machine learning to find out connections between factors, and will validate our initial findings with qualitative studies.  The goal is to utilize the results from this project as a stepping stone to a  multi-disciplinary project with researchers from leadership and management studies, innovation studies and HCI to develop tangible tools for managers to utilize motivational information in various organizations.

Project INTEMO is funded by Ulla Tuominen foundation, and some extra support is given by the ITC faculty, as thanks to the summer trainee campaign, we could double the number of research assistants for the project. Abdullah Israr and Niladri Saha have been working for the project for 3 weeks now, and will continue until August/September.

New research assistants
Niladri and Abdullah*


Text and photo by Outi Sievi-Korte, PI for project INTEMO. For more information on the project, ask outi.sievi-korte (at)

Logo by Abdullah Israr.
*note: the photo was taken immediately after having a joint lunch. With the exception of this brief moment, guidelines on masks and distances were duly followed.