Tag: Ireland
Greetings from Dublin, Ireland
Studying radiography in Dublin from the perspective of a Finnish student
Hi, how are you? - Spring in Dublin 2023
How my Radiography Erasmus exchange is going and what's the craic after placement hours.
A snippet of my life in Ireland.
Relax for a moment and have fun reading a snippet of my life in Dublin, Ireland, where I am currently doing my Erasmus exchange.
Greetings from Dublin
I’m radiographer student and I studied at University College Dublin. My exchange started in January and lasted for three months.
Greetings from Dublin!
I'm a radiographer student and I'm doing my exchange period in Dublin, Ireland. Our university here is UCD (University College Dublin) and we have had four weeks of school, seven weeks of clinical placement, one holiday week and the exam week. It's now almost the end of exchange and it has been a memorable experience.
Greetings from Dublin
Hi! I’m a 22-year old radiographer student from Tampere and I did my exchange in Dublin, Ireland.