ITC Get Together - Pepper wants to replace humans

Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences (ITC) Get Together party took place at the former locomotive garage, now known as Tornihotelli. The venue was full of happy people, ready to network and discuss, and cross the borderlines between different scientific fields. Pepper was one of the stars and had a very important task - to interview our Dean Jyrki Vuorinen. How did it go?

Superfunny hosts of the night, actors Sara-Maria Heinonen and Tatu Sinisalo

Pepper, the interviewer robot, had an important role and task on the ITC Faculty event. He interviewed the Dean of ITC, Jyrki Vuorinen, and both the interviewer and interviewee managed very well. Even though it was the first time for both. Robots do not suffer from stage fright, and Pepper was able to state the interview questions very smoothly and clearly, and overall he was behaving quite well on the stage. Jyrki’s answers were funny and he even wanted to dance with Pepper when asked. Pepper said that he would like to replace interviewers and even deans in the future. Well, it might take some time still. At the moment, the “automated interview” required a team of human beings to assist on programming, driving, carrying, holding a microphone.. So it seems that human beings are still needed. Like the human operators, who were a bit nervous about the robot’s performance before the show (as you never know if the robot will freeze at the most important moment). When working with the robots, life is very interesting

Elias, the language learning robot, in action.

During the night, we were also able to familiarize with robotic demos, like Elias the language robot, physical exercise robot, and dancing robot. Also, two great university bands were performing: Son Moro and The Prof Experience. The former students of our faculty, actors Sara-Maria Heinonen and Tatu Sinisalo, hosted the evening in a super funny way. Thanks for everybody for joining the event and having fun together!

Written by Pepper (with the help of “the mother of the robots”)