New board game club! Please join.

Last year, the president of the Tampere University declared a program to increase the sense of community in the personnel. To this aim, money was granted to communality projects based on applications. As an avid board game enthusiast, I grabbed the opportunity and applied for funds to establish a board gaming club for the CS unit. To my delight, the application was approved. The funds allow to acquire a small board game collection for the club’s perusal, and the first batch of games has already arrived.

The board game club will be launched on Monday 13.2. at 17.00 in TC114 with the first game night. We will play one or more of the acquired games depending on the number and energy level of attendants. You can see the initial game collection in the picture above (coke can for scale). Everyone working at the unit is welcome to attend whether you are a research assistant or a full professor. You don’t even have to know any of the games beforehand. We will happily teach.

The aim is to have these game nights every other Monday at the same time in the same place until the end of the semester and continuing again in the fall. You can just pop in to play, but please send e-mail to me if you are interested to attend randomly or regularly (, so I can share some extra info. You are also very welcome to advertise the club to your co-workers at the unit. See you in the game nights!

Sakari Lahti, University Instructor at the CS Unit