Category: Project

‘Competence equals Capacity’– Cross-border collaboration to support growth of AV companies

The audiovisual (AV) sector, particularly the Film and TV Industry in Finland and Sweden, faces challenges in growth due to a lack of local, regional, and national production resources. This includes staff, teams, skills, equipment, facilities, and international networks. To address these challenges, a cross-border collaboration between Finland, Sweden, Estonia, and Latvia entitled Growth for FINSWE Film and TV Companies (AV–Growth ) will run from 2024 to 2027.

Embracing AI and Sustainability: Insights from the latest LOGY 2024 Conference

LOGY, the Finnish Association of Purchasing and Logistics, is a professional organization that brings together experts and companies involved in sourcing, logistics and materials management. Established in 1938, LOGY provides its members with training seminars, industry news, and networking opportunities, including the annual LOGY Conference which features both domestic and international speakers from various sectors related to logistics and supply chain management. As part of SPOTLOG project co-funded by Interreg Europe Programme, TAMK’s team attended the LOGY Conference in Helsinki 2024.

EU 4 Inclusive Education project strives for sustainable policy impact – Finnish expertise on special education supports developing national resource centers in Albania.

For the past two years, the Tampere University of Applied Sciences has collaborated closely with the Albanian public sector, schools and third sector within the framework of the ‘EU 4 Inclusive Teaching’ project. A joint Training-of-the-Trainer -programme, designed and delivered together with TAMK and Tampere University (Faculty of Education and Culture), has provided pedagogical support so far to almost 300 Albanian teachers.

Sustainable Fibres and Polymers for Nonwovens: Paving the Way to a Greener Future

As environmental concerns are becoming increasingly important, more and more industries are prompted to seek sustainable solutions to minimize their environmental impact. An example of such industry is the nonwoven sector, which is known for its wide range of applications, from hygiene products to automotive and construction materials. The nonwoven sector is gradually adopting sustainable fibres and polymers to replace traditional petroleum-based raw materials that take thousands of years to degrade and pose a threat to the environment and human health when they end up in landfills or marine environments.

Qualitative improvement for teacher education in Rwanda

The Higher Education Pedagogies for Teacher Education (HEP-TED) project has been granted a significant 1.1 million euros in funding from the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland. The project, launched in January 2024, aims to develop, and strengthen the capacity of Rwandan higher education institutions and it contributes to sustainable development through quality teacher education for general education, and technical and vocational education and training (TVET).

Capacity building to support circular economy business in Namibia

The need for the development of circular economy (CE) in Namibia is obvious based on both economic, environmental, and social sustainability. At the beginning of November 2023 started a joint project with TAMK and Tampere University aiming at the capacity building of circular economy in Namibia. The project, funded by Finnpartnership, supports the feasibility study of a Finnish company. The project started intensively with a trip to Windhoek, the capital city of Namibia.

Niitty 2 - Working together with immigrant families for a better everyday life

The number of immigrants in Finland is increasing for many reasons. In 2022, 508,000 of Finland's population had a foreign background or 9 percent of the entire population. Settling in a new country takes time and energy, especially in the beginning. At different stages of integration, questions or feelings may come to mind, even though they have lived in a new country for a long time.

Minun ääneni – A project that brings Alzheimer’s people together to enjoy music

As nursing students from TAMK, we got the opportunity to participate in the Minun ääneni project (translated as the “My Voice” project). This project is for people with memory disorders, and the particular event we joined was a music event in Pakkahuone on September 21st for the World’s Alzheimer’s Day. Attending was part of our Nursing Care for the Elderly studies.