Category: Project

Tampere and Proakatemia inspired the participants when TAMK hosted the meeting of the "Succeed in Business" project

EU Interreg Central Baltic Project "Succeed in Business" continued in Tampere 4.-5.12.2024. Project gathered together students from TAMK, Tartu region in Estonia and Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies to learn more about general management and business development, and human resources.

Theses for International Travel (A Survival Guide for the Bold)

International work-related travel is not just about hopping on a plane and “seeing what happens.” Oh no—it's a delicate dance of meetings, delegation dynamics, unexpected surprises, and perhaps a suitcase full of goodwill (and hopefully, snacks). Here are some “theses” for surviving, thriving, and occasionally laughing your way through international travel.

Food waste turn into valuable products and strong sustainability

During our trip to Namibia as a part of the Circular Economy Models in Namibia: Capacity building project we had an opportunity to visit a local training centre in Swakopmund. In our visit we discovered a circular economy ecosystem which appears as a good example of strong sustainability covering environmental, economic and social elements. We also learned a punch of good practices on how to create value for local actors and communities from circular economy.

TAMK and NSCU - 15 years together and going stronger than ever

There has been a unique cooperation between TAMK and North Carolina State University (NCSU) for over 15 years. The cooperation has included, among other things, a double degree agreement already in the very early days of the cooperation. This co-operation has since then turned into active student and staff exchanges, both as guest lectures and project-related visits. In the future, the intention is to focus on cooperation in research as well.

Kick-Off Event in Riga for the EU Interreg Central Baltic Project "Succeed in Business"

On November 11th and 12th, 2024, the EU Interreg Central Baltic project Succeed in Business started with a dynamic two-day event in Riga, Latvia. The Succeed in Business project aims to encourage young people to become entrepreneurs by providing them with practical skills, international networks, and continuous mentorship. This project offers a platform for students to turn their business ideas into reality, supported by coaches, mentors, and an engaged network of peers from across the Baltic region.

Youth Employment and TVET in Kenya: Progress and Future

The collaboration between Tampere University of Applied Sciences (TAMK), Finn Church Aid (FCA), and Kenyan Technical and Vocational education and training (TVET) institutions is creating new opportunities for youth employment and education in Kenya. This partnership aims to improve vocational education and address youth unemployment by combining Finnish expertise in education with local Kenyan needs where the emphasis on collaboration with workplaces is expressed in the notion of “Dual TVET”. Project called Youth Employment and TVET in Kenya is funded by the German development cooperation organization Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH.

Succeed in Business – opportunities, internationality and expertise for young adults' entrepreneurial dreams

Tampere University of Applied Sciences' Succeed in Business project aimed at young people aged 18–25 in the Pirkanmaa Region interested in entrepreneurship to participate in international training that strengthens networking and competence. The Awareness Rising Conference organised at TAMK was attended by 22 participants. I was particularly pleased with the young people's sociability and openness to talk to each other and share experiences and questions about entrepreneurship right from the start.

Finnish Pedagogy in Santiago de Chile

Pedagogy experts from TAMK, Mikko Turunen and Henri Annala, gave Chilean teachers an intensive training week on Finnish pedagogy and teaching methods. The week was arranged as part of the Play and Learn project funded by the Government of Santiago and Fundación Entrepeneur on the 27th – 31st of May, 2024.