TAMK and University of West Bohemia Exchange Program

Big old house
Faculty of Health Care Studies, University of West Bohemia in Pilsen

Our staff exchange with the University of West Bohemia was an inspiring and fruitful experience. The main goal of our exchange was to find a new partner for nursing and midwifery education, and project collaboration, as well as to establish the framework for future student and staff exchanges between our institutions. The trip also supported our goal of becoming the most international university and aligned with the social and healthcare strategy to function as a versatile and internationally active unit.

During our trip, we met with several key persons and discussed potential forms of collaboration between our universities. We were pleased to learn that the University of West Bohemia (UWB) is willing to draft a bilateral agreement for teacher, staff, and student exchanges, as well as for project, research, and educational collaboration. This clearly reinforced their desire and capability to build a long-term partnership with us.

Acquisition of New Expertise and Its Impact

During the staff exchange, we explored potential opportunities for students participating in international exchanges and talked about UWB’s interest in broader cooperation within the social and healthcare sector, such as planning joint online courses and thesis projects. We also enhanced our own international expertise, which is crucial as TAMK’s international community continues to grow.

Opportunities for Collaboration and Innovative Practices in Guided Internships for Exchange Students

During the exchange, we visited not only the university’s facilities but also a hospital where we became acquainted with the intensive care unit, neonatal unit, and maternity ward facilities and care models. We also discussed the possibility of joint project work, which would be a new opportunity for UWB, as they do not have previous experience with Erasmus+ project work.

A particularly interesting aspect was UWB’s implementation of a pair mentoring model for exchange students, where a local student supports and translates if needed. This model would be an excellent addition for TAMK’s exchange students, as it would not add extra burden on the supervisors or departments. Additionally, it would strengthen TAMK students’ language skills and cross-cultural competencies.

Benefits of the Trip and Their Implementation in Finland

During our trip, we learned a lot about UWB’s effective practices and their extensive network of collaboration partners. Their flexible student exchange schedule and English-language support make the exchange an attractive option for TAMK students. The insights and models we gained will be valuable tools in advancing TAMK’s internationalization strategy. UWB’s diverse internship environment and strong English-language support for students are significant advantages that we can leverage through our collaboration.

Reflections and the Future

The exchange sparked many thoughts on the importance and opportunities of internationalization. It is clear that international collaboration opens new doors for both students and teachers. It enriches learning, broadens perspectives, and better prepares us for global challenges. TAMK is rapidly internationalizing, so it is essential for TAMK’s personnel to build international networks, consider various perspectives on internationalization, and develop internationalization plans within their areas of expertise.

Our trip demonstrated that purposeful and planned staff exchanges can produce significant results and open new paths for collaboration. Acquiring new expertise and sharing it within the community is crucial as we build the international higher education of the future.
The University of West Bohemia’s interest and readiness for collaboration is a concrete step towards diverse and fruitful international activities. Our collaboration with them will undoubtedly enrich the expertise of both universities and offer new opportunities for students, staff, and project collaboration. This is just the beginning, and we look forward to what the future will bring.

Text and picture: Marika Mettälä and Anne Mäenpää, lecturers