The first tailor-made International Business Management Diploma programme started at TAMK

Carita Prokki is welcoming the new students in a classroom.
Carita Prokki, Director of Business Operations, welcomed the new students.

Tampere University of Applied Sciences has launched a new tailor-made diploma programme in International Business Management in spring semester 2023. The diploma programme takes place in the TAMK main campus and will welcome 30 new students from India.

TAMK offers continuous education as part of the educational services. The new programme is customised and designed in collaboration with a global partner. This is the first ever tailor-made International Business Management diploma programme at TAMK. TREE Continuing Education is working with the School of Business and Media to deliver the education service.

Students in the tailor-made diploma programme in International Business Management will study one year at TAMK and graduate with a master’s level diploma from TAMK. The students have also the possibility to continue their studies to Master’s Degree in International Business Management at TAMK after completing the diploma programme.

Starting the student journey

The students are selected to the programme in collaboration with the global partner. Syed Mubaraz, Head of Competence Area in School of Business and Media, and Senior Lecturer Elena Grigorova have been in charge of the entrance interviews.

The beginning of the study journey has been an easy process. The students had started their preparations early on and received support from TAMK for example in issues related to the residence permit applications. During the two-week orientation time, the students received help from their programme coordinator Elena Grigorova, TREE Global Education, and TAMK social counsellor Mirja Onduso.

The tailor-made diploma programme is an answer to the needs of the Indian market. The professionals in the international business field are able to brush up their competencies and explore Nordic business with hands-on studies at a university of applied sciences. The studies are designed to help the students to adapt into Finnish learning culture gradually. The courses are planned in intensive manner, the students have three courses per period, and studies are mainly on-site at the TAMK main campus. The diploma programme includes for example the following courses: Organisational Communication, Managing Cultural Differences, Strategic International Marketing, and Sustainable Experience Economy.

The students are planning to work and stay in Finland after their studies. During the orientation, they are also welcomed by International House Tampere and Parvi at TAMK. TAMK is not only offering the cutting-edge studies in the field with innovative pedagogics, but also a strong connection with working life that helps the students in their future careers.


If you would like to know more about this diploma programme or TREE Global Education, please contact: Ms. Yue Wang (


Text: Yue Wang

Photo: Yue Wang