TAMK’s Eye on Kenya

People posing for picture

Return from Kenya becomes harder and harder every time. Not because I do not want to come home but because the need for educational cooperation is so high. I feel like staying there and getting to real work. I have a strong need to help and get my skates on.

My colleague Juha Lahtinen and I presented Finnish education, teacherhood and related future views at a conference in Kenya. The idea of the conference for Kenyan management of the education sector originated during the visit Kenyan Ministry of Education’s Principal Secretary Simon Nabukwesi and his delegation made to Finland, Tampere and TAMK in July. Planning of the conference took exactly six weeks. The conference was the first in Kenya to gather management of all education levels to Mombasa for three days to discuss CBC (competence-based curriculum) and cooperation possibilities between the education sector and business life. The theory seemed to be clear to everyone but the practice was discussed for hours.

Tampere University of Applied Sciences, Häme University of Applied Sciences, JAMK University of Applied Sciences, Tampere Vocational College TREDU and Tampere Adult Education Centre signed a letter of intent on cooperation with several Kenyan ministries. Now we have to package our expertise for the Kenyan needs. Our group has more references on equivalent education modules than any other in Finland. Let’s cross our fingers that this important cooperation project was born under a favourable star. We TAMK members have a great opportunity to grow Kenyan competence by educating their teachers and management.

By the way, TAMK has already 125 Kenyan commissioned education students in three different degrees. They are very hard-working and responsible students. They all want to study and work for their country in one way or another. After hearing their feedback on TAMK’s education and teachers, I want to thank all the teachers for the work you have done with them with all your heart. You are great! In feedbacks, there is always one name which rises above others. She is Social Counsellor Mirja Onduso. Based on student feedback, she is the greatest of all. A big thank you to Mirja!

With large expectations and a humble mind towards new possibilities,

Carita Prokki,
Director of TAMK International and Business Operations