Smart and Sustainable Mobility: Insights from the Transnational Exchange of Experience event of SPOTLOG project

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Smart mobility refers to the intelligent use of various modes of transportation, such as public transport, car-sharing, ridesharing, walking, biking, and more, to reduce environmental impact and improve quality of life. Smart mobility solutions aim to optimize the efficiency, safety, comfort, and accessibility of mobility services, while minimizing the negative effects of congestion, pollution, noise, and greenhouse gas emissions.

SPOTLOG project empowers green and responsible logistics

The SPOTLOG project is a green and socially responsible city logistics innovation project that aims to involve local communities in creating socially responsible logistics systems. The solutions are based wherever possible on zero-carbon modes, through the intelligent use of all available resources and taking advantage of the digitalisation of goods and passenger transport services.

The second Exchange of Experiences (EoE) event of the project was held in Rimini, Italy, on November 8th-9th, 2023. The aim was to provide a platform for discussing the challenges and opportunities of smart and sustainable mobility innovations across representatives of eight European countries involved. The seminar was attended by project partners and stakeholders from various sectors, such as urban logistics, green transformation, and sustainable transport.

Tampere Region leading the way in smart mobility

The Tampere Region in Finland is one of the leading regions in Europe in terms of smart and sustainable mobility. The region is home to the Smart Tampere program, a regional initiative to build a sustainable and smart Tampere region in which housing, living and mobility are carbon neutral and in which services are user-oriented and work digitally and flexibly. The Smart Tampere program has several themes, including customer service and involvement, education and research, building, energy and infrastructure, AI and analytics, health and well-being, safety and security, renewing industry, and connectivity.

One of the main themes of the Smart Tampere program is smart mobility, which aims to make the Tampere region one of Europe’s smartest transport systems. The region is working on various smart mobility solutions such as drone solutions for air transport, and smart tram stops for rail transport. The region is also a pioneer of urban development, with local companies with innovations in sustainable mobility being one of the region’s strengths.

TAMK’s experience appreciated also transnationally

TAMK (Tampere University of Applied Sciences) is one of the project partners of the SPOTLOG project, and simultaneously also one of the key actors in the Smart Tampere program. In the EoE event, TAMK presented the eTruck case. It focuses on converting a diesel-powered truck to an electric one by removing the diesel motor and fuel tanks and replacing them with an electric motor and batteries. In addition, an Internet of Things (IoT) platform was created to monitor real-time data and energy consumption. The case demonstrated how TAMK converges its expertise in engineering, ICT, and sustainability to create smart mobility solutions that are environmentally friendly and cost-effective.

Smart and sustainable mobility is not only a matter of innovation, but also of participation. If you are interested in learning more about the SPOTLOG project, you can visit our website. Don’t miss this chance to be part of the change. Follow our SPOTLOG journey and help us to make a difference!

SPOTLOG – Green and Socially resPOnsible ciTy Logistics InnovaTions project is co-funded by Interreg Europe Programme 2021-2027.


Text: TAMK’s SPOTLOG project team

Sami Kalliokoski, Senior lecturer, School of Industrial Engineering

Petri Pohjola, Senior lecturer, School of Industrial Engineering

Timo Rainio, Senior lecturer, School of Industrial Engineering

Hanna-Greta Puurtinen, Senior specialist, Project Management Office

This text has been partially written using AI tools.


Picture: SPOTLOG webpages: SPOTLOG – Green and Socially resPOnsible ciTy Logistics InnovaTions | Interreg Europe – Sharing solutions for better policy


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