Tag: immigrants

Niitty 2 - Working together with immigrant families for a better everyday life

The number of immigrants in Finland is increasing for many reasons. In 2022, 508,000 of Finland's population had a foreign background or 9 percent of the entire population. Settling in a new country takes time and energy, especially in the beginning. At different stages of integration, questions or feelings may come to mind, even though they have lived in a new country for a long time.

Digital networking tools boost employment of highly educated immigrants

DigiMESH-project, which ended at the end of October 2023, made a visible difference in the digital networking field in a short period of time. The outcomes of a 2-year-long collaborative project between Turku University of Applied Sciences and Tampere University of Applied Sciences will continue to exist in the form of a publicly accessible MOOC course and Networking Steps -mini game.