Kids @ Work

Tampere University arranged plenty of really nice activities at each campus on 22.11. on the "Kids @ Work" day. Especially Juniversity, the university's science club for kids and youngsters, provided many great workshops for our youngest family members. Although not provided as an official program, some kids already knew that we have also sweet and friendly robots living in a specific, mystical cupboard in Hervanta, and came to seek for them. Here, a couple of interviews with the kids reveal, what happened during the day.

What did you do at the university today?

Kid 1: I visited the place where the workshops were arranged (FabLab). I made a reflector, and I drew with a 3D pen. I also visited one office to see the robots. From the robots one could ask questions and also conduct a quiz.

Kid 2: I visited the workshops and I was with the robots. I made a reflector, pen and a 3D rabbit. One of the robots had a board. Another person was on a computer and her face was visible on the robot’s board. One could also move the robot.

What was the funniest thing today? Why?

Kid 1: To work with the 3D pen. Because I hadn’t tried it before.

Kid 2: The wind tunnel and anechoic chamber at the Huawei Office. The storm was very funny on the wind tunnel. It made my hair to blow.

Would you like to work at university when you grow up?

Kid 1: Maybe. I would ask all kinds of things from the robots. But they should obey me better.

Kid 2: I don’t know. In real life, there would not be as funny as today anyways.


Thank you kids for these excellent answers and thanks for Tampere University and Juniversity for arranging such a great day!