Career services for international talents and students

A woman looking at her laptop.
There are several services for international talents regarding studies and career.

TAMK cooperates with local services to help internationals enter the Finnish job market as easily as possible. Tampere is growing and becoming a popular destination for international talents and students. Many arriving to the city are searching for efficient ways to enter the working life and build their careers.

International talents and students need extra support when searching for employment. Firstly, they need to understand the Finnish working culture, for example how to best create their CV and build effective networks here in Finland.

“We offer help and support with finding internships and employment more effectively and successfully. We don’t have a list of jobs to be handed out. Instead, we want to empower and train our students to be successful in job searching themselves,” explains Minna Arkko, Planning Officer in TAMK Career Services.

TAMK Career Services

TAMK offers many in-house services to help international students establish themselves and grow roots in the city. TAMK Career Services is one of these services. Students can book personal career counseling appointments or participate in workshops that are held throughout the year. Evidently, the CV Clinics held every Thursday from 1-3pm at Parvi space are very popular among both Finnish and international students.

Besides booking personal counseling and registering for career events, the students can use TAMK’s JobTeaser platform to find useful examples and tips for job-seeking.

Local partners for internationalization

Over the years there has been a shift in the playing field and more services are being created to help internationals find their way in Finland. TAMK is active in building networks that can greatly benefit the community.

“I often get referrals from all our partners, as we work closely together. We want to help international students remain in Tampere and find employment here.,” says Nick Cotton, Talent Advisor at International House Tampere.

International House Tampere is collaborating with TAMK as part of the Study and Stay programme which was created through Talent Boost funding. International House Tampere supports internationals and students in finding work and connecting with local employers. As well as this, the International House Tampere assists companies with recruiting and onboarding international talents, as well as promoting the opportunities they may bring to the workplace.

“Study and Stay enables us to provide greater support for student initiatives and events. We help students to discover new opportunities across the Tampere region,” comments Nick Cotton.

As a part of the collaboration, one of the services offered at the International House Tampere is SIMHE (Supporting Immigrants in Higher Education in Finland) counselling. International talents arriving to Tampere with or without higher education degree from abroad benefit from visiting SIMHE. There they can receive career counseling and find support in understanding relevant study path options. They can come to meet the SIMHE career counselor to the International House Tampere.

Olena Temnikova, a student at TAMK, says that she received a lot of information regarding the postgraduate studies from the SIMHE counselor. She says that it has been wonderful to get personal advice regarding to her own situation, for example by receiving a personalized program guiding the continuation of her studies.

“The main benefit has been that I could ask for advice whenever the need arises and that I can be sure that I will get an answer,” Olena Tomnikova emphasises.

“Often degrees from abroad are not entirely similar to the Finnish ones. So, we need to find how and where a degree from overseas can fit with the relevant needs here in Finland,” says Mervi Kastari, Career Counselor in Tampere Universities community SIMHE.

Have a look at all services that the single service point, International House Tampere, offers for internationals in supporting their studies and job search.


Text: Dimitra Panopoulou-Huovila and Riikka Mölkänen

Photograph: Saara Lehtonen