Exploring Finnish Health Care and Nursing: A Summer Course Experience for Chinese Students at TAMK

Chinese student group.

In a blend of academic exploration and cultural immersion, 28 students from Peking Union Medical College (PUMC) School of Nursing embarked on a journey to Tampere University of Applied Sciences (TAMK) for a two-week Summer Course on Finnish Health Care and Nursing.

The course curriculum was designed to offer a comprehensive understanding of the Finnish health care landscape. The students engaged in a series of lectures, addressing topics such as the structure of the health care system, team learning in nursing and the digitalization of the Finnish health care framework.

One of the standout highlights of the program was a workshop on disaster nursing held by Ms. Johanna Kangaspunta, Lecturer of TAMK. By simulating various emergency scenarios, the students gained hands-on experience and honed their abilities to provide efficient and compassionate care even in the most challenging circumstances.

Chinese students learning how to build trust between people.
Teamwork on building trust.

The workshop on Happiest Baby by Dr. Elina Botha, senior lecturer at TAMK is also one of the unforgettable programs that the students learned the skills in calming excessive caring infants. With background theoretical knowledge and hands-on practice, the students gained insights of Finnish midwifery and infant care skills.

The students also had a chance to visit several health care institutions, including the micro neurovascular Clinic- Clinic Helena, Koukkuniemi elderly home, Hatanpää Park Hospital, Sote Virtual Lab and Taitokeskus. These visits served as windows into the real-world application of theoretical concepts, enabling the students to witness firsthand the holistic and patient-centered approach that defines Finnish health care.

Chinese student group in front of Hatanpää Park Hospital.
Visit to Hatanpää Park Hospital.

However, it wasn’t all just academics. The students also had the opportunity to bask in the charm of Finnish culture. From delights of a summer grill to experiencing the soothing embrace of a traditional sauna, the cultural encounters were both heartwarming and eye-opening. These experiences not only facilitated cultural exchange but also highlighted the importance of holistic well-being – a principle deeply embedded in both Finnish culture and nursing practices.

Chinese students swimming in a lake.
Students enjoy Finnish sauna and swimming.

The culmination of this transformative journey can be succinctly captured in numbers – a resounding program rating of 9.8 out of 10. This remarkable rating isn’t just a metric; it’s a testament to the effectiveness of the program in delivering a holistic and enriching experience to the PUMC students.

A few comments from the participants:

“I am also very grateful to all the teachers for the knowledge they taught me. I really learned a lot and hope to bring this knowledge to China and apply it in practice.”

“Some of my favorites were working in a group to complete a task, Finnish healthcare information system, and Disaster nursing workshop, all of which were delivered very well!”

“I benefited a lot from this trip to Finland and I hope to be able to apply what I learned this time in my future studies and work.”

Launching of China-Finland Elderly Care Academic Network.
Launching of China-Finland Elderly Care Academic Network.

The collaboration between PUMC and TAMK holds particular significance. Peking Union Medical College, renowned for its pioneering contributions to western medical sciences in China, joined hands with TAMK as the leading institution of their respective countries in the China-Finland Elderly Care Academic Network. Launched by the China Education Association for International Exchange (CEAIE) and the China-Network of Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences, this network exemplifies the power of global cooperation in addressing pressing health care challenges. Ms. Katja Varamäki, TAMK’s representative and senior lecturer from School of Social Services and Health Care, played a pivotal role in the launch, gracing the occasion with her expertise in Finnish Elderly Care, which was shared alongside experts from PUMC.

As the world continues to navigate the complex realm of health care, initiatives like these remind us that the path to progress is best traversed hand in hand, across nations and disciplines.

For more information, please contact Yue Wang (yue.wang@tuni.fi ), Senior Advisor at TREE Global Education.

Text: Yue Wang
Photos: TREE Global Education Archive

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