Category: Degree Programmes

Students' study trip offered valuable insights into the practical applications and ethical implications of AI

In the beginning of June 2024, a selected group of students from TAMK’s Master’s Programme in International Business Management (23YIBM) participated in a study trip to Niederrhein University of Applied Sciences in Mönchengladbach, Germany. This event marked the highlight of a blended international course focused on Digital Transformation and Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Kenyan RiMCE students met Finnish Circular Economy players

The group of 25 Kenyan Risk Management and Circular Economy (RiMCE) Master’s students visited Helsinki 16th November. A very early start from Tampere and a long day paid off. In visits to Sitra (The Finnish Innovation Fund) and to Finnish Environment Institute (Syke) students learnt to know two important promoters of circular economy not only in Finland but globally.

Studying in Tampere while living in Colombia

The Master’s Degree Programme in Educational Leadership is designed for remote learning with three compulsory intensive weeks. However, the students starting the degree in August 2020 were unable to meet for the first two intensive weeks due to travel restrictions during the Covid-19 pandemic.